If you are under 30 you can show your artworks here. You decided where in Leominster you wish to place your work, it could be in the park, on a tree, in the street, or against a building. We will photograph you work there and the photograph will be exhibited, see the gallery for examples.
Leo Open is a space for creative people to show their artwork. We welcome painters, writers, photographers, sculptors, illustrators, actors, musicians, digital artists, film-makers and more.
We will organize pop-up exhibitions of your work showcase your work here on line and at Salt Road gallery Leominster in March and April 2023
LeoOpen.uk is a Herefordshire New Leaf project funded by Leominster Town Council and supported by Leominster Roars and Culture Declares Emergency.
Contact us at art @leoopen.uk for more information and how to show your artworks.